
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2016

Literary essay about " The Phoenix"

In literature we read stories and poem so we need to write a literary essay about a poem or a story "The Phoenix"written by Silvia T.W is about a man called Mr. Poldero, who tortures a methical bird just for money. This essay will analyse the characters which are Mr. Poldero and Lord Strawberry Mr poldero is a person that wins an aviary in a auLltion and the phoenix came whth it and he tortures him to get money "How long since any fool paid to look at the phoenix" He is a bad person because tortures animals is bad but he Didn't worry about it, he is anvitious too because all the time he wont more money.Literary essay On the other hand Lord Strawberry went to Arabia to catch the phoenix. Then when he died the aviary that he had, he put it in an aultion. He is a person thet likethe aventures because he go to Aravia to look a mirhical bird. "Lors Strawberry is a noble menthat love the birds". The caracters Lord Strawberry and Mr. Poldero was the c...


Simbolo del yodo es I A es 128,90 Z es 53 Lo descubrio Bernard Courtois em el año 1811 estaba aislando compuestos de sodio y de potasio de la ceniza de algas marinas, descubrió el yodo tras añadir ácido sulfúrico a las cenizas de algas marinas. El yodo se encuentra naturalmente en algunos alimentos y también se agrega a la sal "yodada" o "con yodo"